Sunday, June 25, 2023



"What joy for those who can live in your house, always singing your praises. Interlude." (Ps 84:4, NLT)

This verse was part of my morning devotional. I felt so happy to be with our church family in God's house this morning. 

As Joyce and I were planning combined summer services, there were some legitimate questions such as, "If we have three separate services, we have about 100 people attending on average. But if we have a combined service, we would have about half of them. Is it still worth doing it?" After today's service, I was convinced that it is worth doing it. 

If you missed today's service, you can watch it at this link

For those who were at the church in person or online, please share your experience today with "ONE WORD" by replying to this email by tomorrow. Then, I will create a WORD CLOUD and share it with you this week.  

Thank you for being part of this "Life Together" community. Have a blessed week ahead. 

In Christ,
Pastor Victor

Wednesday, June 21, 2023

This Sunday Combined Service at Mars Hill UMC at 10 AM


It's the first day of summer. 

We are truly blessed with this beautiful weather this day. Hope you can enjoy it fully. 

Sisters and brothers in Christ, I am writing this message to remind us that our combined service is held at Mars Hill UMC this Sunday (June 25th) at 10 am, followed by the LOVE FEAST potluck fellowship. I have a few things to share with you: 
  1. Pick-up Choir: Are you interested in joining us? Just come to rehearsal - at Mars Hill UMC this Sunday at 9:30 am. We will sing "He Lives" from the hymnal book. Everyone is welcome. 
  2. Carpool & Ride: Do you need a ride? Or are you interested in carpooling? Please contact Marion Collins (694-3387) or me at 538-0778. Currently, rides are available at the Houlton UMC parking lot, leaving at 9 am. 
  3. Offering: Some of you may wonder how we may give an offering since three churches are gathered. There will be an offering envelope in the bulletins. Please note your church name on the envelope (ex. Hodgdon, Houlton, or Mars Hill UMC) so that your gifts may be given to the right place. 
In the meantime, if you have any questions, please let me know at any time. 

Thank you, and have a blessed rest of the week. See you Sunday!

In Christ,
Pastor Victor

Saturday, June 17, 2023

Life Together Community (Father's Day, June 18)


Abe beat me.

This morning Joyce, Abe, and I participated in the 5K Love Run race to support the ministry of Strong Tower Haiti. It's official: Abe beat me in the race for the first time... and he will from now on. 

Though I felt a little bit "strange" as the tables were turned around, I was not saddened by it. Rather, I celebrated it and cheered him up as he was overtaking me. I think I just begin to learn a "father's heart." 

Jesus said, "The one who believes in me will do greater works than the works I do" (John 14:12). In the community of Jesus, we meet a "father" who walks ahead of us, alongside us, and behind us, cheering us up. In the community of Jesus, we also become a "father" to newer family members and do the same. 

What a blessing to have and be a father-like figure in God's family. Thanks be to God! You're invited to join us for our Sunday Worship Service as we celebrate Father's Day together. Hodgdon UMC and Mars Hill UMC meet at 9 am this Sunday, and Houlton UMC at 11 am. If you are not able to come in person, you can worship with us online at the following links: 

Thank you for being you. Happy Father's Day! 

In Christ,
Pastor Victor

Saturday, June 10, 2023

Life Together Community (June 11, 2023)


Greetings from Manchester, NH! 

This is the last day of the New England Annual Conference. 

As I am packing up to go home, I am reminded that life is temporary and that there's a time for everything. Joyce and I are grateful that we have been appointed anew to our community of faith - Hodgdon, Houlton, and Mars Hill UMCs. It marks the start of the 10th year. We start this new year with a grateful heart. 

During one of the conference sessions, there was a moment of "passing the mantle." One of the retiring pastors shared his wisdom with those who were newly ordained this year. He refreshed our calling, every Christian's calling - "making disciples of Jesus Christ." He commended us to start with one person at a time until all the people in the pew become disciples and they can do the same. 

How beautiful, how important it is to pass on our faith to others, especially to the next generation! As we celebrate Children's Sunday* (*Houlton and Mars Hill UMCs this Sunday, June 11th; Hodgdon UMC on June 18th), may our faith be shared and strengthened. We will hear our children recite their favorite Bible verse, and we will listen to our graduate's faith story. 

Come, and celebrate with us this Sunday. Hodgdon and Mars Hill UMCs meet at 9 am, and Houlton UMC at 11 am. If you are not able to come in person, you can worship with us online at the following links: 
Thank you for all your prayers and companionship. See you Sunday! 

In Christ,
Pastor Victor

Saturday, June 3, 2023

Life Together Community (June 4, 2023)


It has been such a blessed seven years. 

Seven years ago we welcomed Rev. Dr. Jackie Brannen to be our District Superintendent (DS). Today we celebrated her retirement from a full-time ministry.  

Without any doubt, Jackie has been a wonderful DS. When there was a conflict, she came up and served as a gracious mediator with a non-anxious presence. When there was a concern, she offered herself and led a listening session with empathy and compassion.  

More than that, I would want to say that Jackie has been a good pastor, a good "shepherd" to me personally. As I looked back over the past seven years with Jackie, a couple of moments stood out to me from many other memories. 

First, during the COVID-19 Pandemic, my family and I were anxious. We were anxious not just about the virus, but also about the rise of anti-Asian hate. We heard some disturbing news from our Asian colleagues as well as on TV. As the tension was still high, we received a parcel from Amazon - An assorted Asian snack gift box. It was sent by Jackie. My family and I felt deeply comforted, knowing that someone is standing with us. 

The second memory is about winter. Northern Maine's winter is long and cold. Though my children love winter sports, sometimes it's just too cold to play outside. Around Christmas time, my children received a surprise gift. It was an indoor snowball fight toy set. Again my family and I were deeply moved by Jackie's creative and caring thoughts. 

"Jackie, your caring presence will always be missed and remembered." 

It is no surprise that so many people shared their cherished memories and encouraging words with Jackie today. Also, today I saw the beauty of Christ's "Community" - the Church. There were tears and laughter, gratitude, encouragement, comfort, peace, and love. It was heaven.   

How beautiful and glorious it is when sisters and brothers in Christ get along and worship in unity! Please join us for our Sunday worship service. Hodgdon UMC and Mars Hill UMC are gathered at 9 am, and Houlton UMC at 11 am. If you are not able to come in person, you can worship with us online at the following links: 
Thank you for being among us. See you in the morning!

In Christ,
Pastor Victor

Happy Thanksgiving!

  Dear Church Family, Happy Thanksgiving! As we reflect on this year’s ups and downs, twists and turns, one thing remains constant:  God'...