Thursday, May 25, 2023

Service of Music (May 24, 2023)


How wonderful and encouraging it is when Christian sisters and brothers worship together! 

It was a surprisingly and beautifully great turnout. The cluster leadership didn't expect that many people due to the bad weather, but the people kept coming from 9 different UM churches in the county. The service bulletins ran out. From our group - Hodgdon, Houlton, and Mars Hill UMCs - about 30 people were able to come, worship, sing, dance, and rejoice in the Lord. 

For me personally, yesterday's gathering reminds me of Jesus' words to his disciples in Luke 10:20: "Do not rejoice at this, that the spirits submit to you, but rejoice that your names are written in heaven." Yes, by all means, we can preach the good news, we can work hard for ministries, and so forth. But underneath all this, we should rejoice at this, that we are saved, rather than that we are successful in our lives or ministries. So we rejoice in him. 

If you haven't had a chance yet, you can watch the entire service at this link. Also, you can watch our combined choir's special music, "Standing on the Promises" and worship dance, "Every Praise." 

May the joy of the Lord be your strength this day and always. Peace to you. 

In Christ,
Pastor Victor

Saturday, May 20, 2023

Life Together Community (Ascension Sunday, May 21, 2023)


(*With my good friend, Pastor Steve Straubel at the GHCA Bike-a-Thon 2023)

Peace to you. 

First of all, I want to thank you for your heartfelt love and support for the Bike-a-Thon fundraiser of the Greater Houlton Christian Academy (GHCA). So many of you personally reached out to my family and me and made generous donations toward Christian education for the next generation. We even received a donation from an anonymous donator. Joyce and I just give thanks to God for you. 

Friends, this Sunday we celebrate the Ascension of our Lord. How may we even grasp this holy mystery? How might Jesus' disciples have felt after Jesus had ascended to heaven? They were waiting. We too are waiting today. We wait as though a bride waits for her groom. We wait as though a pilgrim waits for the day when they arrive at their final destination. 

Brides of Christ, pilgrims of God, be encouraged! Come, let us be gathered in one spirit. Hodgdon UMC and Mars Hill UMC meet at 9 am this Sunday, and the Houlton at 11 am. If you are not able to come in person, you can worship with us online via the following links:

I am so grateful for our journey together. See you Sunday!

In Christ,
Pastor Victor

Wednesday, May 17, 2023

Life Together Community (May 17, 2023)


*Offerotry Special Music by Susan Laurence and Grace Han (May 14, 2023)

Here is a quiz for you: 
"What do poets, preachers, and mothers have in common?" 
The answer is... 
"They know how to say a lot in few words!"

Hope you had a blessed Mother's Day. By God's grace we had very meaningful Mother's Day services at Hodgdon, Houlton, and Mars Hill UMCs. A mother-in-law was eulogized by her daughter-in-law, poetry was read, special music was played and sung. If you haven't had a chance to join us yet, you can watch the services at the following links: HodgdonHoulton, and Mars Hill. Also, you can read Joyce's poetry and my message. 

Camp Mechuwana 
Our mission partner of the month is Camp Mechuwana. Its mission is to help persons of all ages encounter God in nature. Believe it or not, my family and I participated in its family camp for the first time last year thanks to the support of the Hope Circle. It was a memorable experience. When we were there at first with other families, we were all strangers to each other. But after three days, we became one family. We encountered God in community as well as in nature. You can watch Camp Mechuwana's promo video at this link. 

If your children are interested in applying for Chrstian camp scholarship, please contact Sharon Lyons at 540-6982. 

If you would like to support the ministry of Camp Mechuwan, please make it payable to the church and note on the memoline: "Camp Mechuwana." Thank you. 

Mission & Ministry Moments 
There have been constructive suggestions that we may make our "Mission Moment" more meaningful and use it as a communication channel. 

Each Sunday we are planning to invite different church committees and groups to share their missions and ministries with us. For example, this Sunday (May 21) we will learn more about the Finance Committee, and on the following Sunday (May 28) about the Staff Parish Relations Committee (SPRC).  

Annual Conference & Holy Conferencing 
This year's theme is "Draw the Circle Wider Still ..." (Philippians 4:4-9). The conference is held on June 8-10. You can find more information at this event webpage (*You can find pre-conference materials, livestream link, schedule, etc. at the right column)

Many of us are wondering about the future of the UMC. Recently, Mande Muyombo, Resident Bishop of the North Katanga Area in Africa, shared his thoughts on the UMC issues. I found it very helpful and encouraging to hear what God is up to in different parts of the world and to see the UMC issues from different perspectives. You can listen to this podcast episode at this link.  

On June 25th, there will be an informal Q & A session during the Love Feast potluck fellowship. I will give our church family updates on the Annual Conference. You will have opportunities to ask questions about the UMC issues as well as our church ministries in general. 

"Songs of the Heart" 
A Service of Music in honor of John Wesley's Heart-Warming Experience of Salvation! All of our UM churches in the county will be gathered at Grant Memorial UMC (Presque Isle) on May 24th (Wed) at 6:30 pm. 

Our combined worship dance team will have a rehearsal at Houlton UMC on May 23rd (Tue) at 3:30 pm. Our combined choir's rehearsal is at Mars Hill UMC on May 24th (Wed) at 5 pm. Come and join us! 

Thank you for being part of our journey together. Have a blessed week. 

In Christ,
Pastor Victor

Saturday, May 13, 2023

"Life Together Community" (May 14, 2023)


"Are any among you suffering? They should pray.
Are any cheerful? They should sing songs of praise." (James 5:13)

Peace to you. 

For many, Mother's Day is a joyous day. But for some, it can be a hard day for various reasons. But here is good news for everyone: God is with us all the time and all the while

The story of Naomi echoes the same message. This Sunday we will hear the old story - the story of Naomi and Ruth. As we listen - really listen, we will find the same nourishment that Naomi and Ruth had received, such as "hope" and "perseverance" in times of trouble, for our journey ahead. So join us for our Mother's Day service this Sunday. 

If you are not able to come in person, you can worship with us online via the following links:

Hope you have a very meaningful Mother's Day. 

In Christ, 
Pastor Victor

Tuesday, May 9, 2023

How May I Pray for You?


Did you have a chance to take a look at the cover image of the UpperRoom? Can you guess what it is about? 

It is Wayne Forte's painting - the Victory of the Israelites againtst the Amalekites under the leadership of Joshua. As we know; however, the real fierce battle was fought on the mountain as Moses was praying with the help of Aaron and Hull. 

As I look back, there were moments when I was not able to keep going. But God was always there for me and fought for me through the community of faith. In particular, my grandparents and my parents were on the top of the list among my helpers. 

Now Joyce and I would like to be your prayer partners and helpers just as Aaron and Hull were. If you share the names of your loved ones and their particular prayer requests, we will remember your names and pray for you daily. You can simply reply to this email, or text me at 207-538-0778, or mail me to the following address:  28 School St, Houlton, ME 04730. 

Thank you, and have a blessed week. 

In Christ,
Pastor Victor

Friday, May 5, 2023

Life Together Community (May 7, 2023)

(*Labyrinth at Rolling Ridge Retreat Center, North Andover, MA)

Have you heard of a Prayer Labyrinth? 

A labyrinth is an ancient symbol of wholeness. It is a spiritual reflection, prayer, and meditation tool that can help us connect with God and deepen our faith. The labyrinth represents our life journey. 

The following are my reflections as I walked to the center, praying and praising God:
  1. "One life." There is the beginning and the end of the journey. 
  2. "By faith, not by sight." The journey seems circular and meandering but purposeful. It seems we're not going anywhere, but the fact is we're getting closer to the center. 
  3. "No shortcut." It's different from a maze. The maze has multiple paths and will not necessarily lead to the center, whereas the labyrinth has one way which leads to it. What we need is to keep walking with endurance
  4. "Each step is unique." With every step we take, we see different living creatures and plants on the path. It's like a fingerprint. There is a meaning and purpose for each step. 
  5. "It's just a beginning." When we arrive at the center, then we are to walk back to the outside - back again out into the world, as we intercede for God's people. 
I believe our Sunday worship is like the labyrinth journey: We approach God, we listen to God, we respond to God, then we go back into the world. Even better, we take this journey together as we worship. So come, let us walk and run to the house of God together. You're invited this Sunday! 

If you are not able to come in person, you can worship with us online via the following links:
  • Hodgdon UMC:
  • Houlton UMC:
  • Mars Hill UMC:
I am so grateful for our journey together. See you Sunday! 

In Christ, 
Pastor Victor

Happy Thanksgiving!

  Dear Church Family, Happy Thanksgiving! As we reflect on this year’s ups and downs, twists and turns, one thing remains constant:  God'...